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Are you ready to operate, Doctor? - I’d love to, but first I have to perform surgery.

Dr. Zoidberg


Zoidberg is a small lobster crawler that use Scrapy to get surgeon reviews from an Internet message board. Sometimes it is hard to find real reviews of surgeons in Google.

For example (my case), I have Femoroacetabular Impingement in the hip and the only medical solution is surgery. I thought Margalet was the best doctor to perform this operation but when I searched with Zoidberg, I realized that López Carro was a much better choice.

By typing:

python zoidberg.py -c es -d margalet -a traumatologia -i femoroacetabular -p test.csv -o csv

you get all the Doctor Margalet reviews for the femoroacetabular impingement in the test.csv file.

At this moment it only implements Femoroacetabular Impingement in Spain, but hopefully with some collaboration, Zoidberg will extend its functionality.



  • pip install dr-zoidberg
  • or clone this repository.


To use Zoidberg from CLI just type zoidberg and follow the instructions.

To use Zoidberg in a project:

from zoidberg.zoidberg_main import Zoidberg

z = Zoidberg(country='es', doctor='margalet', area="traumatologia", illness="femoroacetabular", path='test.csv', output='csv')


  • DONE - CLI: Change argparse to click.pocoo.org.
  • TODO - Get a list of countries available.
  • DONE - Get a list of areas available for a country.
  • DONE - Get a list of illnesses available for an area.
  • TODO - Add keywords of illness for each search.
  • TODO - Search a doctor for every area or illness.
  • TODO - Comprehensive tests
